Hello everyone, and welcome back to WHO-WHAT-WEAR-WEDNESDAY! Last week we took a look at the largest diamonds that human eyes have ever seen. This week, we are going to talk about a film icon that would likely be spotted wearing those massive diamonds.
Before we start chatting about our icon of the week, I want to congratulate Brittany and Bobby on their article that was recently published in Cincy Chic Magazine! Gem Steady is quickly climbing up the haute couture ladder, and I cannot wait to see what exciting things they will accomplish next! The article will be linked down below for those of you who want to read more about the amazing company, Gem Steady.
Our icon of the week would swoon over the classic cuts, and luxurious materials that Gem Steady is known for. This blonde babe is demure, poised, and looks stunning even when she is being hounded by a flock of vicious birds. Today we are taking a look at Tippi Hedren’s timeless style, and a few of her most iconic fashion moments. But first, we will discover how Tippi became a posh trendsetter.
It was Friday the 13th in 1961 when Tippi Hedren received a call from an executive at Universal Studios asking if she was the girl from a diet-drink commercial that Alfred Hitchcock saw while watching the Today Show. Hitchcock became obsessed with the commercial and he quickly started a manhunt for the elegant blonde girl from the commercial. A shocked Tippi confirmed that she was the girl Hitchcock had been searching for. Miss Hedren was beaming with excitement that she caught the eye of the famous director, and she signed a contract with Hitchcock before she even had the chance to meet him.
After a grueling screen test, Tippi Hedren was officially cast to play Melanie Daniels in Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds”. Tippi received enormous amounts of criticism from Universal Studios due to her lack of acting experience. The determined actress was not about to let the harsh words faze her, and Miss Hedren proved that her talent shined just as bright as any seasoned movie star.
“It was an incredible opportunity, and a responsibility that was enormous, and I treasured it.” Hedren Said, on her role in “The Birds”. The excitement Hedren felt on set quickly faded when Hitchcock decided to harm the actress mentally and physically. Instead of using mechanical birds for a few scenes, he forced Tippi to be attacked by real birds. Doctor’s advised Hedren to take a week off from filming in order to recover from the attack. Hitchcock insisted that filming should continue as normal.
Over the course of her professional relationship with Alfred Hitchcock, Tippi cited countless demands and gestures from the director that were obscene and uncalled for. Hitchcock threatened to ruin Tippi’s career if she did not adhere to his commands, but the gorgeous starlet just wanted out. Miss Hedren had enough, and she stormed out of Hitchcock’s office and never returned. The decision kept Tippi from starring in several major roles, but it did not ruin her career, especially as a style icon.
In the 1960’s, Tippi Hedren could often be spotted wearing luxurious silk gowns, classic pencil skirts, and flowy-buttoned blouses. Her style was much more modest than many of the silver screen starlets of the 1960’s, and yet her look was so glamorous and admirable. Even to this day, Tippi’s style exudes conservative glamour. Her clothing choices make it difficult to decipher if she is an actress, or a member of the royal family.
Audrey Hepburn may have made the little black dress a phenomena, but Tippi Hedren could rock an LBD like no other. In a poster for “The Birds”, Tippi sported a form fitting LBD with a super cinched in waist. With wine-stained lips and her blonde locks curled to perfection, Tippi looked ravishing even with a creepy faux crow resting on her arm.
Tippi often kept her outfits simple. She preferred clean lines and pieces that fit her like a glove, and she loved having fun with her earrings. Whether she wore diamond studs or modern circular baubles, the lovely starlet was often seen with darling earrings.
Tippi wore one of her most iconic outfits while filming “The Birds”. Tippi donned a pistachio green suit, with a fur coat layered on top. Her hair was nestled underneath a cream scarf and she wore an elegant strand of pearls around her neck. She wore this outfit during the infamous scene in which she was attacked by real birds. While the ultra feminine suit ultimately ended up scratched, scuffled, and covered in blood it was a very iconic look that is still recreated today.
Tippi currently runs a reserve in California where she rescues large cats, such as tigers and lions, and she is every bit as stylish as she was decades ago. She has been using her fame to better the lives of animals for over 40 years, and her daughter, who happens to be Melanie Griffith, grew up playing with the exotic creatures. Their pet lion Neil was even allowed to play in the house and in the swimming pool.
Tippi’s acting career may not have gone exactly as she had hoped, but she is still a gorgeous style icon who has used her success to better the world. She says her prized possessions are her daughter, her three grand children, and the cats she is able to save. I think it is fair to say that Tippi Hedren is much more than just a style icon, she is a poised, powerful woman. Like a fine wine, this beauty only gets better with age.
Gem Steady’s Cincy Chic article: http://cincychic.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5620%3Agem-steady&catid=13%3Afashion&Itemid=10880
A barbie was created in Tippi's likeness, and shows a more glamorous version of her infamous "bird attack" scene.